Thursday, September 12, 2024
HomePlaas TVSernick Emerging Farmer's day

Sernick Emerging Farmer’s day

Sernick recently held their Emerging Farmer’s day at Liebenbergstroom in Edenville. Plaas TV also attended the event and spoke to a few role-players.

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Sernick’s Farmer Development Programme: A beacon of hope and progress

Since 2016, Sernick has been hosting a farmers’ day at the end of January at their headquarters near Edenville in the Free State. For the past five years, this event has also incorporated a graduation ceremony for students who have completed their formal animal production studies up to NQF level 4. A total of 380 students have thus far achieved NQF certification, 31 of whom can boast an NQF 6 in agricultural extension.

According to Petro Naudé, managing director at Serdev, Sernick’s farmer development company, they have contracted the International Agricultural Academy for Africa (i3A) to run the farmer training programmes on their behalf.

“We have developed a training model that caters to both theoretical and practical training. But a key component is the additional extension service we offer,” Petro says. “So, after completion of their formal training, we visit the producers on their farms every three months to provide feedback and support, and to ensure they stay the course in terms of the way they manage their operations. The process assists us in compiling progress reports which we give to the sponsors of the project and the individual farmers.”

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