Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Did you know?

You can now receive the latest issue of CHIPS via WhatsApp or email. Potatoes SA’s publisher, Plaas Media, can provide you with a digital copy of CHIPS while you wait for your printed version to arrive in the post. For more information, send an email to

To download the current PDF version of CHIPS, click here or visit to download the digimag.


Read CHIPS in January/February 2025

The January/February 2025 issue of CHIPS features an article highlighting the exemplary work of Dwayne Kaschula, an award-winning Eastern Cape producer whose diversified farming operations are run with an eye for detail and a good sense of what will work and what not. This edition also delves into topics such as carbon credits, common potato pests, and transformation initiatives. CHIPS continues to be a valuable source of technical information and news for those involved in the potato industry.

Did you know?

You can also receive the latest issue of CHIPS via WhatsApp or email. Plaas Media can provide you with a digital copy of CHIPS while you wait for your printed version to arrive in the post. For more information, send an email to

In this issue/In hierdie uitgawe:

  • Dwayne Kaschula: ’n Aartappelprodusent met goeie oordeel.
  • Carbon credits and how it works.
  • Market monitor: The first 44 weeks of 2024 at FPMs.
  • Sandveld- en Oos-Kaap projekte.
  • Potato tuber moth.
  • Potato leaf miner.
  • Dekgewasse as groenbemesting teen Verticillium verwelk.
  • Bursary recipients Xolani Hlatshwayo and Bhekani Zondo.
  • Potatoes first at the Soweto marathon.
  • Consumer perceptions of ugly potatoes.

To download the current PDF version of CHIPS, click here or visit to download the digimag.

Read previous issues

Read selected articles

Die oorlewing van Ralstonia spp. in die grond

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes In 2021, 15 jaar na afloop van die laaste aanplanting op die proefperseel waar ‘n ondersoek na die oorlewing...

Overview of world potato markets 

Estimated reading time: 16 minutes Severe weather conditions across the globe have impacted potato crops, leading to smaller harvests in the United States (US), Europe...

Optimising fertiliser timing: The key to healthier potatoes and crispier French fries

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes The timing and amounts of different fertilisers needed to supply nutrients can interact with each other, the soil, and...

An enabling environments for Eastern Cape small-scale producers

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Potatoes are among the most consumed staple foods in the world. Potatoes SA’s small-grower projects are part of the developmental...

The unlimited potential of waste potatoes: We want your opinion

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes The new Potatoes SA and University of Pretoria project will focus on finding alternative uses for potatoes that don't...

Anthorn Farming: Award-winning production in action

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes It is Anthorn Farming’s quality produce, high yields and basic production practices that make it stand out among its...

Soil health in a nutshell

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Soil is the upper layer of the earth’s crust and consists of a mixture of mineral particles, organic material, organisms...

Intensifying interest in potato production in Clewer and Kriel

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Mpumalanga is one of South Africa’s provinces with such a diverse geographical zone, that potato production is possible in...

What the EU Green Deal means for potato production in SA

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes The European Commission stipulates that the European Union’s (EU) production activities become climate-neutral by 2050. The EU Farm to Fork...