Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Hierdie week het Plaas TV weereens vir interessante kykstof gesorg en vandag is #kykweervrydag. Hier is ’n opsomming van dié week se episodes:
- Paul Collet van Cradock is een van die Veeplaas Klimaatslim Ambassadeur-finaliste vir 2024. Plaas Media se Carin Venter het onlangs saam met beoordelaar, dr Louis du Pisani, by hom op sy plaas gaan kuier om oor sy klimaatslimpraktyke te gesels. Kyk dit hier:
- Plaas Media’s Carin Venter recently paid a visit to Paul Collet of Cradock in the Eastern Cape to find out what exactly makes him a climate-smart farmer. Paul is one of the finalists in this year’s Veeplaas Climate Smart Ambassador project. Watch it here:
- In today’s focus on the sugar industry, we shed light on problems and solutions, more specifically the impact the sugar tax has on the industry. Adv. Fay Mukaddam, the Chairperson of the South African Sugar Association, elaborates on this.
- The 59th Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa was recently held at the Gariep Forever Resort. Topics like biodiversity and conservation, invasive species, rangeland ecology and management, planted pastures and livestock management were covered during this congress. The Plaas TV team spoke to a few role players about the respective topics.
- Die jaarlikse Marlow Alumni-boeredag in Cradock het weer vanjaar plaasgevind en was met trots deur BKB en Plaas Media geborg. Die program het onder andere ‘n voorlegging deur die Melkprodusente-organisasie (MPO) ingesluit, en daar was ook talle landbou-uitstallings wat skougangers kon besoek. Carin Venter van Plaas Media het die geleentheid bygewoon en daar met ‘n paar rolspelers gesels.
- Watter faktore speel ‘n rol by ‘n dier se prestasie? HG Human van die Noord-Kaap Veldramprojek, brei hieroor uit.
Presenter/s dressed by Jonsson Workwear.
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