Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeSantam Agriculture National Silage Competition

Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition

Wenners in die elfde Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie aangekondig

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Plaas Media het vanjaar vir die elfde keer sy Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie aangebied. Vanjaar se kompetisie het 88 inskrywings...

Winners in the eleventh Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition announced

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Plaas Media has been presenting its Santam Agriculture National Silage competition for eleven years now. This year’s competition received 88...

Finalists announced in the 11th Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Plaas Media has been presenting its Santam Agriculture National Silage competition for eleven years now. This year’s competition received 88...

Finaliste in elfde Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie bekend gemaak

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Plaas Media het vanjaar vir die elfde keer sy Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie aangebied. Vanjaar se kompetisie het 88 inskrywings...

Plaas TV: Spotlight on award-winning Up George Bonsmaras and SA’s 2023...

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes This week Plaas TV brought viewers some exciting news and interesting content. #flashbackfriday recaps some of this week’s episodes: Derek Ralfe of Up...

Wenners in die tiende Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie aangekondig

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Plaas Media vier vanjaar ‘n hele tien jaar van sy Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie en het tydens ‘n funksie in...

Winners in the tenth Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition announced

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Plaas Media recently celebrated ten years of its Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition when it announced the winners of its...

Finaliste in die tiende Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie aangekondig

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Plaas Media vier vanjaar ‘n hele tien jaar van sy Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie en kondig met trots die...

Finalists announced in the tenth Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes In 2023, Plaas Media is celebrating ten years of its Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition and is proud to...

Meet the 2022 Santam Agriculture National Silage King!

The ninth edition of Plaas Media’s Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition was a huge success and yet again, a previous competition winner took the...

Winners in the Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition announced

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Pretoria, 4 November 2022: The ninth edition of Plaas Media’s Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition was once again a...

Hondsdolheid – wat jy moet weet

Hondsdolheid is aan die toeneem in Suid-Afrika, en dit is dodelik – vir mens en dier. Wêreld-hondsdolheiddag word vandag gevier en dr Didi Claasen...

Kleinhandel van suiwelprodukte

Pannar Seed is a well-known seed supplier in the agricultural industry, and is also known for its maize, sorghum and oats cultivars used in...

Wolvaardt Boerdery gaan van krag tot krag

Hannes Wolvaardt van Giyani is vir die tweede keer aangewys as Agri Limpopo se Jongboer van die Jaar. Wolvaardt boerdery is 'n welbekende handelsmerk...

Labworld procedures on silage sample testing

Welcome to another episode of Plaas TV. Today we will focus on silage. Environmentally sustainable silage practices is critical to agriculture and its importance...

Environmentally sustainable silage practices critical to agriculture

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Around the world, we are becoming increasingly conscious of what we eat. We advocate for farm animals to be ethically...

Experience and innovation: Sparta’s winning recipe

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes “We are a feedlot. This means that feeding animals is our core function. We strive to do it to...

Silage: Top ten with the first try

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Attention to key management aspects such as compaction, cutting at the most optimal time and feed-out with minimal wastage...

Kuilvoer: Top tien met die eerste probeerslag

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Aandag aan belangrike bestuursaspekte soos kompaksie, snytyd en uitvoer met die minste moontlike vermorsing en blootstelling aan suurstof –...

Trends in the 2021 silage competition

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Plaas Media’s 2021 Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition once again produced interesting data. The competition, which is in its...

Kuilvoerkompetisie 2021: Tendense en indrukke

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Plaas Media se jaarlikse Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie 2021 het baie interessante data opgelewer. In die agtste jaar van...