Agri Skills Transfer gee al sedert 2012 landboudiploma-opleiding, hoofsaaklik in die vorm van afstandsonderrig. Die instelling het egter die behoefte vir praktiese, teoretiese en werksplekondervinding raakgesien, en gevolglik besluit om ‘n opleidingsplaas net buite Cullinan vir hierdie doel aan te wend.

In dié aflewering van AgriOnAir, verskaf Duif Joubert van Agri Skills Transfer meer besonderhede oor ‘n twee-jaar landboudiploma wat vroeg in 2022 afskop. Luister nou na hierdie interessante onderhoud.

Who is Agri Skills Transfer?

Agri Skills Transfer was established in 2004 for training mainly in the Agricultural Sector (Primary and Secondary).

Agri Skills Transfer’s training is developed on the SAQA system. We took a business decision to align with Outcome –based education and to develop our courses according to the National Qualification Framework.

With the new QCTO requirements coming we are already on board and adapting our training material as required by the new legislation.

Hierdie potgooi word aan jou gebring deur Agri Skills Transfer. Besoek gerus hulle webwerf hier.

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