Market minute
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Frans de Klerk, ‘n onafhanklike tegniese ontleder, gee elke week terugvoer oor die beweging van kommoditeite asook verskeie beleggingsmoontlikhede op die aandelebeurs.
Dairy Digits: March 2025
Dairy Digits is a monthly report on the latest key market indicators in respect of unprocessed milk and dairy products, and other dairy market...
Katoen-verwysingsprys: Week van 24 tot 28 Februarie
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Katoenprodusente-organisasie (SAKPO), met die ondersteuning van Katoen SA, het ’n platform geskep om elke week ’n gemiddelde verwysingsprys vir katoenvesel deur te gee....
Domestic pork industry carcass price statistics – Week 8 of 2025
The weekly pork carcass prices are brought to you by the South African Pork Producer's Organisation (SAPPO).
Click here for this week's report.
How are these...
Weeklikse rooivleispryse / Weekly meat prices
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Plaashekpryse/Farm gate prices
Die jongste vleispryse word weekliks aan u gebring deur Absa en die RPO. Neem kennis dat hierdie nie...
RMAA Price Information System report for week 5 2025
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
The Red Meat Abattoirs Association (RMAA) is an independent membership-based organisation, which was established in February 1991 with its primary...
Landboumarkte: Desember se geelmielieprys die hoogste van 2024
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Die rand het ’n wisselvallige maand beleef tenoor die dollar en sluit die maand af teen R18,86 teenoor die Amerikaanse...
Landboumarkte: November 2024
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Die rand het gedurende November weereens ‘n stabiele maand teenoor die euro ervaar, maar het verswak teenoor die dollar. Die...
Dairy Market Trends November 2024
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
International Trends
Despite the successes against global inflation, downside risks are rising and now dominate the October 2024 release of the...
Landboumarkte: Oktober 2024
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Die rand het gedurende Oktober weereens ‘n stabiele maand teenoor die dollar en die euro ervaar en ‘n sterk posisie...
Landboumarkte: September 2024
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Die Rand het tydens September ‘n stabiele maand teenoor die dollar en die euro ervaar en het steeds ‘n sterk...
SAPPO Retail Price Statistics: September 2024
The monthly SAPPO Retail Price Statistics Report provides detailed statistics and trends on the retail prices of various meat products, including pork, chicken, beef, and lamb.
Monthly Price...
SAPPO Retail Price Statistics: August 2024
The monthly SAPPO Retail Price Statistics Report provides detailed statistics and trends on the retail prices of various meat products, including pork, chicken, beef,...
MPO Flash: Unprocessed milk production for July 2024
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Unprocessed milk production for July 2024 is estimated at 252 million liters, +3,32% more than in July 2023 and 1%...
Julie se ekonomiese oorsig: Rand, graan en vleis
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Die rand het tydens Julie redelik stabiel gebly teenoor die dollar en die euro en behou steeds ‘n sterk posisie...
Ekonomiese oorsig: Rand versterk, markpryse wissel in Junie 2024
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Die rand het in Junie aansienlik versterk teenoor die dollar en die euro. Die rand het tydens die maand sy...
Mei se markte: Die rand, inflasie en landboukommoditeite
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Die rand het tydens Mei redelik sywaarts beweeg teenoor die dollar, maar het effens teenoor die euro verswak. Die rand...
Red meat price trends monitor: June 2024
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
April 2024 has recorded a significant surge in bovine meat imports. A total of 2 056 tons were imported,...
Ekonomiese oorsig vir April: Landboumarkte wissel
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Die rand het tydens April redelik sywaarts beweeg en gedurende die middel van April verswak, maar het weer goed versterk, om...
Quarterly pork industry report – Quarter 1 2024
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
The quarterly pork industry report provides insights into the pig industry over the past quarter, covering several contributors to the...
Ekonomiese oorsig vir Maart: Landboumarkte wissel
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Die rand het ‘n goeie maand ervaar tydens Maart en het deurlopend teenoor die dollar versterk en ‘n redelike stabiele...