Talle kliënte wonder hoe AgriSeker se administrasie gedurende die Covid-19-pandemie beïnvloed is. Hoe takseer assessors tans die eise wat inkom? En, natuurlik, hoe lyk die weervooruitsigte vir die res van die jaar?

André Schutte, bedryfsbestuurder by AgriSeker, beantwoord al hierdie vrae in dié aflewering van AgriOnAir. Luister nou na dié onderhoud.

Who is AgriSeker?

AgriSeker gives every troublesome step along with each farmer when risks threaten farming businesses. We provide confidence and a financial risk management value to the farmer. Cashflow pressure and other influences on prosperity is a reality. That is why we, together with our underwriters, Land Bank Insurance Company, worked on strategies for the benefit of the producer.

Our insurance packages are specifically tailored to the needs of farmers, focussing not only on providing solid insurance, but also risk management solutions that reach beyond the traditional insurance policy.

AgriSeker has modified its products to align with the cashflow curve of the producer. AgriSeker’s payment skills are also backed by a reinsurance panel with a high-quality international rating. Our flexibility and financial stability enables us to pay crop insurance claims quickly and accurately. We add value to your farming business with the most appropriate working method, expert product application and advice within the context of our statutory obligation.

Hierdie potgooi word aan jou gebring deur AgriSeker. Besoek hul webwerf hier.