Tag: MSD
RPO Noord-Kaap hou suksesvolle rits vergaderings
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Die Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO) Noord-Kaap het ’n paar jaar gelede ’n reëling getref om die bedryf letterlik na produsente te bring....
RSG Landbou: 4 Maart 2024 – geborg deur MSD
Respiratoriese siektes kom al meer by beeste voor. Daar is verskeie redes hiervoor, maar swak ontwikkelde longe is ‘n groot oorsaak. Dr De Wet...
Why dip cattle if we see no ticks?
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
We normally dip during spring and summer to reduce tick quantities and prevent diseases such as redwater and gallsickness. However,...
#VideoVet: Protecting your herd with long-acting tick control
This article is part of a series of informative animal health articles. The series goes hand in hand with the #VideoVet video series –...
#VideoVet: Bovine brucellosis – boost your herd’s immunity
This article is part of a series of informative animal health articles. The series goes hand in hand with the #VideoVet video series –...
#VideoVet: Focusing on vaccines
This article is part of a series of informative animal health articles. The series goes hand in hand with the #VideoVet video series –...
#VideoVet: The basics of brucellosis
Bovine brucellosis, or Brucella abortus, is a bacterial disease that affects a cow’s reproductive system, causing it to abort. It will also affect the...
#VideoVet: Milk fever doesn’t have to reach fever pitch
When milk fever occurs in livestock, it is very important to treat the animal immediately and to monitor it afterwards. “Milkfever occurs commonly in...
#VideoVet: Your vaccination checklist
The core of animal health management on any farm is having and implementing a structured immunisation or vaccination programme. “It is crucial to consult...
Praktiese beginsels vir brusellose-beheer (Deel 2)
Brusellose is ’n siekte wat streng beheer moet word omdat dit ’n groot gesondheidsrisiko vir die boerderygemeenskap skep. Ons kyk in dié artikel, wat op...