Thursday, March 6, 2025

Poultry houses for broilers

Poultry raised for meat production are called broilers, and a broiler house is the structure used for growing them. Proper planning of broiler housing facilities requires knowledge of the broiler environmental requirements during various stages of growth.

Read more about planning a system for layers.

Major factors that should be considered are temperature, humidity and light. To manage the aforementioned factors, the interior environment can be controlled by using ventilating and heating equipment. The structure can either be fully enclosed or have curtains over a sidewall. The aim is to create an environment that ensures ideal growing conditions for optimum broiler performance.

A commercial broiler house.

Key planning factors:

  • Site selection: The best site is one that is well drained and has an adequate supply of water. Poultry produce odours and should therefore be located downwind of nearby houses. If several poultry houses are constructed in one area, they should preferably be 10 to 15m away from each other to minimise the spreading of diseases.
  • Environmental requirements: Day-old chicks require higher temperatures, around 35°C, and the house temperature should be gradually lowered to around 28°C, depending on the specific broiler breed. Humidity that is too low causes dusty conditions and humidity that is too high often increases the possibility of diseases occurring and even death.
  • Housing system: Having considered the environmental factors, it is important to build structures which allow for comfort, protection and efficient production. Designs differ depending on climates. Important aspects of a broiler poultry structure are proper insulation and good ventilation. Equipment required for broilers include feeders and drinkers.

The importance of maintaining a comfortable and stress-free environment for the birds cannot be overstated. Modern broiler housing can provide the environment needed to optimise broiler performance, but this is entirely dependent on the proper operation of house equipment.

Reliable control system

It is difficult for a farm manager to be present 24 hours a day, for every day that birds are in the house. Therefore, it is important to have a reliable control system installed to control environmental conditions automatically.

Research on improving broiler housing is ongoing. Energy costs are becoming more significant to the grower’s bottom line and housing construction, equipment and operation will be paramount in ensuring the houses are operated as efficiently as possible.

The importance of high-quality water in broiler production

Researchers will continue to examine how broiler housing can be heated, cooled and erected in such a way that broilers are produced optimally, using the most economical and efficient methods to ensure that the producer can earn a decent living.

Correct temperatures

Maintaining the right temperatures to promote efficient growth is key to profitable broiler production. Therefore, heating a broiler house in winter is vital from both a performance and economic standpoint.

Chicks are not able to maintain their body temperature until approximately 14 days of age. During this time, it is crucial that floor temperature is maintained at around 30°C, and then switched off after that period. In summer, it is crucial to keep the broilers cool, as they are covered in feathers which they cannot take off when they get hot and put on again when they are cold.

Read more about keeping layers happy.

Ventilation delivers fresh air and removes excess heat, moisture and undesirable gases from the broiler house. A typical ventilation system in a broiler house consists of fans, air inlets, evaporative cooling systems and controller/thermostats. Even in winter, a minimum ventilation rate is needed to remove toxic ammonia gasses from the broiler house. Houses should also be designed to handle both cold and hot weather extremes. – Sekina Lebotsa and Petrus Britz, ARC-Institute for Agricultural Engineering

Enquiries can be directed to the
Agricultural Research Council – Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ARC-IAE) on 012 842 4000.

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