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HomeAdvertorials2024 #BeefPerformers: ARC National Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo of the Year

2024 #BeefPerformers: ARC National Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo of the Year

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

One of the award categories in the 46th Agricultural Research Council Beef Performer Awards is the National Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo of the Year. This award category commemorates its 22nd anniversary this year. Finalists aspiring to become fully-fledged commercial producers are identified from each of South Africa’s provinces and contend for the title of national winner.

This category is sponsored by Plaas Media’s Stockfarm magazine.

What is the Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo scheme?

The Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo (KyD) scheme focusses on assisting emerging cattle farmers to apply beef recording and improvement technology to facilitate accurate selection for economically important traits, as well as increased productivity and profitability of their herds. Emerging farmers serviced and developed through the KyD scheme are also registered on INTERGIS – currently more than 8 000 emerging farmers are members of KyD.

Read more about the ARC National KyD Province of the Year.

The purpose of the award is to acknowledge members of the KyD scheme who perform exceptionally well in terms of specific criteria related to the recording, management and performance of their herds; encourage emerging cattle farmers to improve their standard of living through higher returns from animal production and job creation; promote participation in the KyD scheme; promote sound breeding and management principles in the beef industry; and demonstrate the benefit of performance testing, practically by identifying outstanding herds.

Let’s hear what the ARC has to say about this awards category:

The finalists in alphabetical order:

  • Eastern Cape: Weziwe Zondani, Kings Glen Farm, Komga, 073 291 9159 or 073 292 6858.
  • Free State: Pule Moalosi, Hoërop, Bultfontein, 076 810 6635.
  • Gauteng: Catherine Sepeng, Portion 14 Jagersbosch Alias, Van Slagterbosch 407, Fochville, 083 308 7955.
  • KwaZulu-Natal: Ziphozakhe Zuma, Amafu Farming, Estcourt, 076 161 4494.
  • Limpopo: Azwinndini Maiwashe, Maiwashe Estate, Morebeng, 060 481 0584 or 082 258 7888.
  • Mpumalanga: Philip Mahlangu, Leeupoortjie JS 267 P4, Middelburg, 064 951 3381 or 076 367 1690.
  • Northern Cape: Pieter Theys, Membysvlakte, Griekwastad, 073 366 9800.
  • North West: Kgabiso Mookeletsi, Sekai Farm, Mahikeng, 076 714 0219.
  • Western Cape: Thamsanqa Mxokozeli, Riversdale Farm, Riverside, 082 938 9841.

Who will be the winner? Tune into Plaas TV on 28 November at 18:00 to find out!

Read more about the 2023 winner here:

Agricultural Research Council. For more information about the awards send an email to

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