HomePlaas TVRangelands, land reform, meat prices and bird flu: What you need to...

Rangelands, land reform, meat prices and bird flu: What you need to know

This week Plaas TV brought viewers more interesting content, and this is #flashbackfriday. Below is a recap of the week’s episodes:

  • Droughts, climate change, woody densification, fire, new technology and the Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists were all discussed during the Grassland Society of Southern Africa (GSSA)’s 58th annual congress held at the Omaramba Resort and Conference Centre near Rustenburg in North West recently. Plaas TV caught up with a few of the key presenters.
  • ‘n Skeefgeloopte grondhervormingsprojek in Mpumalanga het onlangs die internet-tonge
    losgemaak. Die meerderheid kommentaar het gefokus op bewerings dat die produsent, Paul Grey, al die vee op sy plaas afgemaai het. Ander het weer gefokus op die groep mense wat die perseel met aanvalsgewere oorgeneem het. Hans-Jurie Moolman, ‘n direkteur van die prokureursfirma, Moolman en Pienaar Ingelyf gesels met Susan Marais oor hoe ‘n produsent hom of haarself behoort te handhaaf indien besetters die perseel betree en hoe om sosiale media te benader.
  • Suid-Afrikaanse rooivleisprodusente se plaashekpryse is ver onder die wêreldgemiddeld. Produksie en uitvoere moet gelyklopend verhoog om dié probleem om te draai. Dít was die sentrale boodskap van verskeie rolspelers tydens die Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO) se jaarlikse kongres, wat onlangs in Pretoria plaasgevind het. Plaas TV het ook dié geleentheid bygewoon.
  • Sponssiekte is ‘n dodelike siekte wat veral by jonger beeste voorkom. Dr Danie Odendaal verduidelik op Plaas TV dat die organisme gifstowwe produseer wat onmiddellik deur die liggaam opgeneem word, voor die liggaam immuniteit opbou.
  • South Africa has lost over a quarter of its national laying hens flock since the first outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza was reported in the country this April. Currently the situation is particularly dire in and around Gauteng due to the discovery of the new H7N6 strain. Dr Shahn Bisschop, the CEO of Avimune, visited the Plaas TV studio to share some insights on this matter.
  • It is #ResearchFriday which means it is time to once again become acquainted with the research projects conducted by the team at the Agricultural Research Council. This week we visit the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, based in Stellenbosch.

Farm TV is proudly brought to you by Elanco South Africa and Jonsson Workwear.

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Click on the YouTube channel’s link to watch Farm TV’s episodes again: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8UyKudlhB1OzbEcSRO1S3A

Plaas TV/Farm TV was launched in June 2020 and provides top quality and factually correct agricultural news and content. Click on the link above to view all Plaas TV’s content of the past two years. From agricultural shows to the history of Pinotage wine, Plaas TV covers all corners of the agricultural sector.

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