Tag: wa lombard
Landelike misdaadtendense in Suid-Afrika
Plaasaanvalle en -moorde het baie aandag in die tweede helfte van 2020 geniet en groot aksies is geloods om bewusmaking rondom dié probleem te...
Livestock theft: The short end of the stick
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Three elements are necessary for a crime to be committed: a willing criminal, a suitable target (property) and the...
Landboumarkte: Die fynere detail
Ekonomiese stelsels kan breedweg gedefinieer word as òf vrye markte, wat ook as prysstelsels bekend staan, òf bevelstelsels, wat aan die ander kant van...
The ins and outs of agricultural markets
Economic systems can be broadly defined as either free markets, also known as price systems, or command systems, which are at the other end...