Friday, December 13, 2024
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Tag: Stockman School

Vleiskenner: “Sagte vleis moontlik vir álle rasse”

Hoewel diere met meer Bos taurus-gene se vleis gewoonlik sagter is as ’n dier met meer Bos indicus-gene, is die vleissagtheidsgeen in alle rasse...

Resilience is a way of life: Stockman School wraps up

In the last session of the 16th Livestock Registering Federation (LRF) Stockman School, two speakers brought the concept of resilience together nicely by focussing...

Top performers honoured at LRF Stockman School gala dinner

The Livestock Registering Federation presented six awards to members of industry at its 16th LRF Stockman School gala dinner this year. The theme of...

Being a resilient stockman: From the horse’s mouth

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes What does it take to be a resilient stockman? Two prominent cattle farmers gave their insights at the recent LRF...

Insurance and breeding issues converge at LRF Stockman School

The sixth session on the second day of the 2024 Livestock Registering Federation (LRF) Stockman School continued with some hard-core technical topics. First off,...

Feed and genomics in the Stockman School spotlight

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Breeding, drought feeding, and genomics took centre stage at the first session of the second day of the LRF Stockman...

Kirkman at Stockman School: Future-proofing of livestock production in subtropical grasslands

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Future proofing extensive livestock production in subtropical grasslands and savannas. This was the title of Prof Kevin Kirkman’s talk at...

Goeie somerreënval verwag, sê weer-ghoeroe by Veeskool

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Veeskool-afgevaardigdes het op die eerste dag van die jaarlikse geleentheid van die Lewendehawe Registrerende Federasie (LRF) gehoor hoewel Suid-Afrikaanse produsente...

Stockman School: Global cattle judge believes freer farms are key to...

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes LRF Stockman School, Aldam Resort, Free State: While there isn’t just one winning formula for cattle ranching, things such as...

First session of 2024 Stockman School looks at the bigger picture

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Resilience is the name of the game, and also the theme of the 2024 LRF Stockman School: Be a resilient...