Tag: MSD Dieregesondheid
RSG Landbou: 5 September 2024 – geborg deur MSD
Knopvelsiekte is een van die belangrikste erosiesiektes in Afrika en word deur ‘n virus veroorsaak. Dr Marinette Bothma van MSD Dieregesondheid verduidelik hoe dié...
Bose brusellose – MSD gee raad
Beesbrusellose, oftewel besmetlike misgeboorte (BM), is 'n kuddesiekte en hou deurlopend ’n groot bedreiging vir beesboere oor die land heen in. Dit het ’n...
MSD Animal Health: Klostridiale siektes is ‘n onsigbare vyand
Clostridium-bakterieë versoorsaak talle siektes onder lewendehawe, dikwels sonder die teenwoordigheid van enige sigbare siektetekens. Dr Clint Austin van MSD Animal Health verduidelik in dié aflewering van AgriOnAir hoe...
#VideoVet: Protecting your herd with long-acting tick control
This article is part of a series of informative animal health articles. The series goes hand in hand with the #VideoVet video series –...
#VideoVet: Bovine brucellosis – boost your herd’s immunity
This article is part of a series of informative animal health articles. The series goes hand in hand with the #VideoVet video series –...
#VideoVet: Focusing on vaccines
This article is part of a series of informative animal health articles. The series goes hand in hand with the #VideoVet video series –...