Tag: MPO
LandbouRadio: 10 Februarie 2025
In vandag se episode van LandbouRadio kan jy uitsien na gesprekke oor die volgende:
Aartappelmotte – Aartappels SA vertel ons meer.
Prof Charlie Reinhardt verklap allerlei...
Dairy Market Trends November 2024
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
International Trends
Despite the successes against global inflation, downside risks are rising and now dominate the October 2024 release of the...
Beesleukose: ’n Kanker wat op die melkbedryf teer
Die beesleukosevirus (BLV) saai verwoesting onder melkkuddes regoor die wêreld. In Suid-Afrika staar meer as ’n duisend melkprodusente geweldige ekonomiese verliese in die gesig...
Co-ops: The key to a healthy Polish dairy industry
Dairy farmers’ dissatisfaction with the milk price is nothing new and is certainly not limited to South Africa. Waldemar Broś of the National Association...
A double-edged sword in the dairy industry
South Africa’s dairy producers are ranked among the best in the world. Unfortunately, a war is currently being waged in a bid to keep...