Tag: covid-19
Covid-19 and South Africa’s livestock: Is there a risk?
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Covid-19 has led to the death of almost seven million humans since the World Health Organization declared it to...
Ivermectin: Safe for animals and humans?
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Ivermectin’s potential as an effective remedy against Covid-19 is currently being debated worldwide, with experts divided on the use...
Ivermektien: Veilig vir dier én mens?
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Die potensiaal van ivermektien as doeltreffende teenmiddel vir COVID-19 word tans wêreldwyd gedebatteer, met kenners wat verdeeld is oor...
Opinion: No two farmers are the same – why should their...
Most South Africans realise the importance of a prosperous, representative agricultural sector, which should be a socio-political and economic priority. This sector must also...
Targeted support for farmers: The value of accurate data
Most South Africans realise the importance of a prosperous, representative agricultural sector. It should be a socio-political and economic priority, promotes a stable society,...
Anatomy of an auction
The livestock auction industry finds itself at a crossroads and is likely to see a few profound changes over the next few years. This...
The role of agritourism in the agricultural economy
I am writing this article amid the Covid-19 lockdown. Considering that tourism, in the traditional sense of the word, has been forced to a...