Sunday, March 9, 2025

Landbou-ontwikkeling – dié week op Plaas Media

Hierdie week het Plaas TV weereens vir interessante kykstof gesorg en vandag is #kykweervrydag. Hier is ’n opsomming van dié week se episodes:

  • Die era waar ‘n besigheid net finansiële verslag moes lewer oor hoe sy sake oor ‘n jaar verloop het, is snel besig om uit te loop. Genoteerde maatskappye moet vanjaar reeds oor volhoubaarheid verslag lewer ingevolge nuwe wetgewing, en kenners waarsku dat ander maatskappye ook dié roete binne ‘n paar jaar sal moet volg.
  • Anneline Hugo van Agrifusion het die sluier bietjie gelig en meer kom vertel oor die rol wat verslagdoening oor goeie korporatiewe bestuur – spesifiek met betrekking tot sosiale en omgewingskwessies – binnekort in die landbou kan speel.
  • The ARC National Beef Cattle Improvement Herd of the Year award has evolved into one of the most highly competitive and esteemed honours in the industry over the years. In addition to evaluating how finalists utilise performance recording and related technologies to enhance their herds’ genetic potential, their engagement with the industry, collaboration with fellow producers, and efforts to add value to the beef production sector are also taken into account. The ARC’s Johan Binedell now gives us feedback about what to expect of this year’s finalists.
  • Die Leniesdeel-vetveeskou in Noordwes het vanjaar weer topgehalte osse in die op-die-hoef- en aan-die-haak-afdelings gelewer. Op die tweede dag van die skou is hulle op-die-hoef beoordeel, waarna die wenners in die onderskeie gewigsklasse aangewys is. Plaas Media se Christal-Lize Muller het ook die geleentheid bygewoon en hier met ‘n paar rolspelers gesels.

Lees meer oor die vetveeskou hier.

  • The 2024 UP Agric Feedlot Challenge is coming to a close, marking an incredible journey for animal science students. Part of this was the cooking challenge, in collaboration with the Department of Consumer Sciences. Students received a lesson on the various lamb cuts, how to process a carcass, and meat grading, after which consumer science final years led the teams in an epic battle! Mondanette Irene supplied the lamb meat used in the challenge, sponsored by RMIS, who was represented by Marina Fourie. Watch the video for feedback.

Watch the kick off of the UP Agric Feedlot challenge here.

  • A team from Curro Helderwyk in Gauteng won first place in the World Robot Olympia 2024 national finals and will represent South Africa in the international finals taking place in Turkey at the end of November. This year’s theme was “Earth Allies”. Let’s meet the team and their invention.
  • Drie-dae-stywesiekte steek gedurende die somerseisoen kop uit en gaan volgens dr Danie Odendaal, dikwels met reënvalpatrone gepaard. Hy brei nou hieroor uit.
  • Disruptive innovations have revolutionised industries, such as hospitality, transportation and entertainment. Will the same happen to animal feed production? This question was answered at the recent AFMA Symposium held at the CSIR in Pretoria.
  • Join DSM-Firmenich on their Mycotoxin Roadshow, where experts traveled from Gauteng to the Western Cape to address the critical impact of mycotoxins in South Africa’s agriculture. This informative series dives into various aspects of mycotoxin contamination—from testing methods to the risks for farm animals—while showcasing Mycofix solutions for producers across all livestock sectors, from breeding to non-breeding animals.
  • The National Best Elite Cow Awards, which forms part of the ARC National Beef Performers Awards, only considers actual performance data of participating cows. Participating cows should exhibit exceptional reproduction figures and other economically important traits such as maternal ability and pre-weaning growth rate (weaning weight). This award category is also contested, as in the past, among cows across all breeds and only one cow per breed will be crowned as the top female of each participating breed. Melville Ferreira now elaborates on this.

Presenter/s dressed by Jonsson Workwear.

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Plaas TV/Farm TV is in Junie 2020 bekendgestel en verskaf topgehalte en feitelik korrekte landbounuus en -inhoud. Klik op die skakel hierbo om al Plaas TV se inhoud van die afgelope twee jaar te sien. Van landbouprogramme tot die geskiedenis van pinotagewyn, Plaas TV dek alle uithoeke van die landbousektor.