Sunday, March 9, 2025

Funky student quiz and debate at the 54th SASAS Congress

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The 54th South African Society for Animal Science Congress (SASAS) provided a platform to explore the state of animal production and genetics in Southern Africa. The conference took place from 3 to 5 July 2024 at the East London Convention Centre. With local and international experts, the conference delved into topics related to environmentally stressed production animals and the interface between different animal science disciplines.

Among the highlights were a student quiz and debate sponsored by Plaas Media. The teams impressed the audience with their self-confidence and general knowledge of agricultural matters.

Watch the Plaas TV insert on the recent SASAS congress here.

Supercool student quiz

The SASAS Congress hosts an annual student quiz involving three universities which has reached the finale. This year, the University of Fort Hare (UFH), the University of Mpumalanga and Stellenbosch University (SU) competed. Each university was represented by a team of three students. Paul Bevan acted as the quizmaster and ensured that the audience stayed engaged throughout. The quiz covered various disciplines, including physiology, nutrition, breeding, management and general animal science. SU emerged as the quiz champion, earning participants gift bags and cash prizes sponsored by Plaas Media.

Hot-on-the-topic student debate

An in-depth discussion on animal welfare formed part of the congress and the topic also featured in an engaging student debate and panel discussion led by internationally well-respected experts. SU advocated for live animal exports to other countries, while the University of Pretoria argued against it. Both teams showed tenacity and presented valid arguments, but ultimately the University of Pretoria emerged as the winner.

For more information about the student quiz and debate, contact Amelia Du Preez who represents SASAS national on 072 145 6516, or – Carin Venter, Plaas Media

SASAS Northern Branch hosts top student industry day

A select group of students and 24 industry organisations attended the recent South African Society for Animal Science’s (SASAS) Northern Branch annual student industry day at the Future Africa campus of the University of Pretoria. The day was held on 4 April.

JW van Niekerk, chairperson of SASAS Northern Branch, said the 90 students attending the day were at a pivotal moment in their lives and that the aim of the student industry day was to assist them in making their mark in the industry.

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