Sunday, March 9, 2025

Produseer en presteer – dié week op Plaas TV

Hierdie week het Plaas TV weereens vir interessante kykstof gesorg en vandag is #kykweervrydag. Hier is ’n opsomming van dié week se episodes:

  • Get ready for the 2024 Agricultural Research Council (ARC) National Beef Performers Awards! This is the 46th instalment of the awards, which aim to showcase the best of the best in beef cattle performance and producers in seven categories. In preparation for these awards, Dr Ben Greyling, research team manager, beef cattle improvement: ARC-AP, gives us a glimpse into the awards and its importance in the beef cattle industry.

The awards will be broadcast on the Plaas TV YouTube channel on 28 November at 18:00

Have a look at 2023’s ARC Beef Performers awards.
  • Die 2024 TLU SA Jongboer van die Jaar is onlangs aangewys. Wian Süllwald van RK Boerdery in Bela-Bela, Limpopo-omgewing, vertel ons nou meer van sy boerdery.
Luister hier die RSG Landbou gesprek met Wian en Lise Roberts.
  • Marjolijn Malan se keurige en noukeurig vervaardigde blommerangskikkings wat vanjaar in die Voermolsaal by Nampo Kaap uitgestal was, het besoekers deurgaans bekoor. Sy het ook hier met Plaas TV oor ‘n paar interessante blom- en plantspesies gesels.
  • Pioneer Saad is vir talle jare al betrokke by Plaas Media se Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie. De Bruyn Myburgh brei nou uit oor hul kuilvoerkultivars en die bystand wat hul aan produsente bied.
  • The National Special Performance Test Class Award category has been part of the awards for over 40 years and serves to showcase the exceptional performance traits of bulls in various beef cattle breeds. Bulls that were awarded gold or silver merit certificates when they completed a standardised growth test (Phase C) of the National Beef Recording and Improvement Scheme during the year preceding the awards, are eligible to compete in this award category. Frans Jordaan gives us more insight on this category.

Remember to watch the awards on the Plaas TV YouTube channel on 28 November at 18:00.

  • Die Suiwelstandaardagentskap bied deur die loop van die jaar ‘n insiggewende webinaar-reeks aan wat ‘n wye reeks onderwerpe in die suiwelbedryf dek. Jacqueline Odendaal brei nou uit oor die doel hiervan.

The Plaas TV team recently attended the ARC Animal Health Technician Training day at ARC-OVR in collaboration with the Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (GDARDE). Here animal health technicians got the lowdown on topics such as the differentiation between vaccinated and infected animals, lumpy skin disease tests, zoonotic diseases, the eight pillars of disease/biosecurity, and labour relations. Watch the video for feedback.

Presenter/s dressed by Jonsson Workwear.

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Plaas TV/Farm TV is in Junie 2020 bekendgestel en verskaf topgehalte en feitelik korrekte landbounuus en -inhoud. Klik op die skakel hierbo om al Plaas TV se inhoud van die afgelope twee jaar te sien. Van landbouprogramme tot die geskiedenis van pinotagewyn, Plaas TV dek alle uithoeke van die landbousektor.