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LandbouRadio: 6 Februarie 2025

In vandag se episode van LandbouRadio kan jy uitsien na gesprekke oor die volgende: Izak Hofmeyr praat oor tien eienskappe wat ‘n perd se...

Regsadvies en landboukennis op Plaas TV

Hierdie week het Plaas TV weereens vir interessante kykstof gesorg en vandag is #kykweervrydag. Hier is ’n opsomming van dié week se episodes: Die produksie van melkkoeie...

Six ways to end the employment relationship

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Termination of employment in South Africa is primarily governed by the Labour Relations Act, 1955, and case law, requiring employers...

Bonuses: A right or a privilege?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes The payment of bonuses is an issue that often leads to friction between employers and employees. Under what circumstances is the...

Insubordination: Types and steps to follow

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Insubordination refers to the defiance of, or resistance to authority and the refusal or failure to obey clear, reasonable...

Foreign workers: What does the law state?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Employers generally take business decisions that can boost the profitability of their businesses. Hiring employees with the necessary skills,...

Understanding short time and its implications

The COVID-19 pandemic has already had severe implications, either directly or indirectly, for many South Africans, as it was responsible for a massive countrywide...

Verhoed dat vakbondregte jou onverhoeds betrap

’n Omvattende hoeveelheid wetgewing reguleer tans arbeidsverhoudinge in Suid-Afrika en skep ’n moeisame omgewing vir werkgewers. Om jou onderneming volhoubaar en winsgewend te hou,...