Thursday, October 17, 2024

Stock theft information centre for Harrismith

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

A stock theft information centre (STIC) was recently established in Harrismith in the Free State. This STIC aims to facilitate efficient information sharing among livestock owners, the South African Police Service (SAPS) Stock Theft and Endangered Species units, and other interested organisations.

In January 2021, the commissioner of police issued a Consolidation Notice in terms of Section 25 of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act 68 of 1995) to amend National Instruction 3 of 2020, which deal with stock theft and endangered species.

One key aspect of this instruction is the formation of stock theft and endangered species information centres in all affected areas of the country. According to instruction, STICs, must be established in conjunction with stock theft and endangered species units, at the request of livestock owners, to enable the community (livestock owners) to contribute positively to the effective policing of stock theft. 

Given that the Free State is a stock theft hotspot, and the Eastern Free State, in particular, represents around 60% of the total stock theft in the province, it was particularly important to establish a STIC in this area. According to SAPS statistics, the value of livestock lost to theft since January 2024 exceeds R5,8 million. However, this figure is believed to be only around 60% of the actual losses due to non-reporting of stock theft and the failure to open cases with the SAPS.  

STIC formation in Harrismith

At the founding meeting, Craig Hill, executive manager of the Qwantani Berg and Bush Resort on the Sterkfontein Dam, was elected as chairperson of the STIC.

According to the instruction, Hill highlights that the guidelines for establishing an STIC are driven by the motivation of livestock owners to become involved in preventing stock theft and tightening their security by:

  • Gathering information regarding stock theft, suspects and crime trends in their environment, and passing this information to designated SAPS members.
  • Receiving information regarding stock theft, endangered species, suspects, and crime trends in their areas from designated SAPS members.
  • Assisting in the identification of livestock that are difficult to identify.
  • Combating stock theft through liaison between livestock owners and the SAPS via crime prevention patrols and informative meetings.
  • Identifying serious crime trends in stock theft within the relevant community, identifying problem areas and areas where stock theft is suspected, and initiating operational plans to combat these crimes.
  • Continuously liaise with prosecutors to identify any shortcomings in all aspects of the case to ensure a proper trial.

STIC composition

A STIC, he suggests, should include representatives from local producers’ associations, the State Prosecutor, the commander of the stock theft and endangered species unit or the relevant investigating officer for the area, the station commander, and any other person in an advisory capacity on stock theft-related matters. Additionally, it should involve interested livestock or livestock trade institutions, government departments and any institution that may be co-opted as needed.

“Emerging and communal farmers are suffering as much or even more in many cases, and the stock theft situation has become intolerable. It was encouraging to see many farmers’ associations, or their relevant representatives, attend the founding meetings. The areas represented were Harrismith, including Tshiame, Intabazwe, Makgolokweng and Wilgepark as well as Verkykerskop and Warden, which will be represented by this STIC.

My first task is to establish an effective communication platform with the representatives of all the producers’ associations in the area between Warden and Harrismith. In addition to this communication platform, there will be an operations platform to facilitate operations.”

It is of crucial importance, he says, that every producer becomes involved with the STIC to make it as strong as possible.

Functions of the communication platform

“One of the functions of the communication platform is to follow up on cases that have been reported but seem to be going nowhere. We have the power now to take these cases to not only regional level but to provincial, and if need be, to national level.”

STICs, he says, have proven to be effective. “Stock theft rings are increasingly becoming part of larger crime syndicates involved in various criminal activities, including cash-in-transit robberies and other violent and serious crimes. It is all one vicious circle. Just recently, a large syndicate was exposed due to collective operations between STIC centres, the SAPS and private security. Arrests were made, and the suspects are currently in custody for various crimes, including stock theft”.

Hill stresses that successful stock theft control relies on a few basic principles. Producers, especially emerging ones, must properly brand and/or tattoo their livestock according to the legal requirements. Inadequately marked livestock cannot be identified, making it impossible to take adequate action. Regular stock counts, immediate reporting of theft, actively opening a case at the nearest SAPS, and obtaining a case number are essential steps. If a case number is not received, this must also be followed up on. No action can be taken without a case number. Hill emphasises that communication and community involvement is key to settling the score once and for all.  

For more information, contact Craig Hill on 082 882 7055. – Izak Hofmeyr, Plaas Media

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