Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Hierdie week het Plaas TV weereens vir interessante kykstof gesorg en vandag is #kykweervrydag. Hier is ’n opsomming van dié week se episodes:
- Bell Forestry & Ag was created as an independent business unit in 2022 and places a strong focus on accessibility and sales. Plaas TV spoke to a few role-players about what the company has to offer during Nampo 2024.
- Contestants recently battled it out during the KwaZulu-Natal leg of Plaas Media’s Toyota SA National Young Auctioneer Competition held at the Royal Agricultural exhibition. Some old and new faces showed what they were made of, but ultimately John Cannon was crowned regional winner, and Fiso Hadebe, runner up. Here is Cannon and judge, Brandon Leer, with some feedback.
- Kunsmis speel ‘n integrale rol in voedselsekerheid en Yara plaas ‘n sterk fokus op die bevordering van volhoubare boerderypraktyke om uiteindelike produktiwiteit op plase te verbeter. Uys Meiring het by die afgelope Nampo Oesdag hieroor uitgebrei.
- TWK het onlangs sy halfjaarresultate bekendgemaak. Die resultate vir die tydperk wat op 29 Februarie 2024 geëindig het, is ernstig deur ’n naburige brand geaffekteer. André Myburgh brei nou hieroor uit.
- Die Rooivleis-abattoirvereniging het vanjaar hulle 30ste kongres aangebied. Die Department van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling, asook internasionale sprekers was aan die woord. Neil Venter, voorsitter van die Rooivleis-abattoirvereniging, gee nou terugvoer.
- The Royal Agricultural Exhibition, held at the Royal Showgrounds in Pietermaritzburg from 22 to 18 May 2024, focussed on providing a much-improved experience for breeders and farmers, while also providing interested members of the public with a dedicated and informative agricultural event. Keep your eyes peeled for feedback on this event on the Plaas TV YouTube channel.
- Most of us are aware and concerned about the current climate crisis and how our habits are threatening the future of our planet and our sea life. Today is World Ocean Day and Marco Coelho, head of supply chain and procurement at Ocean Basket, joins us now to talk about their initiatives.
Presenter/s dressed by Jonsson Workwear.
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