The Minister of Agriculture approved a statutory levy for winter cereals (wheat, barley & oats) for the period 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2028. The levies will be administered by the South African Winter Cereal Industry Agency (NPC) (SAWCIA).
SAWCIA requires the services of an administrator(s) to perform the following tasks:
- Secretariate services regarding statutory levies
- Collection of levies
- Inspection functions
- Reporting to National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
- Secretariate services in respect of administration
- Meetings of the board of directors and committees
- Financial accounting
- Funding applications
- Company secretary functions (e.g. SARS, CIPC)
- Liaison with industry and government
- Corporate governance
Interested parties can obtain the detailed terms of reference from Submissions should reach us by 17:00 on Tuesday, 15 October 2024.
South African Winter Cereal Industry Agency (SAWCIA) benodig dienste van ‘n statutêre heffingsadministrateurs
Die Minister van Landbou het ‘n statutêre heffing vir wintergrane (koring, gars en hawer) vir die tydperk 1 Oktober 2024 tot 30 September 2028 goedgekeur. Die heffings sal deur die South African Winter Cereal Industry Agency (NPC) (SAWCIA) bestuur word.
SAWCIA benodig administratiewe dienste om die volgende take te verrig:
- Sekretariaatsdienste met betrekking tot die statutêre heffings
- Insameling van heffings
- Inspeksiedienste
- Rapportering aan Nasionale Landboubemarkingsraad (NLBR)
- Sekretariaatsdienste vir algemene administrasie
- Vergaderings van direksie en komitees
- Finansiële dienste
- Befondsingsaansoeke
- Maatskappy-sekretarisdienste (bv. SARS, CIPC)
- Skakeling met bedryf en staat
- Korporatiewe voldoening
Belangstellendes kan die gedetailleerde verwysingsraamwerk vanaf verkry. Voorleggings moet ons teen 15 Oktober 2024 om 17:00 bereik.