Livestock Registering Federation (LRF)
LRF-TS News is a biannual publication for Livestock Registering Federation members in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. This mega newsletter contains content carefully selected by the LRF’s Technical Services and offers information on livestock improvement, genomics, events, and updates from the LRF’s member societies and office. The latest issue of the newsletter is now available.
In the March 2025 issue:
- Meet Ebbi Fischer: 2024 LRF/Veeplaas stud breeder.
- Using RTU-s to assess carcass traits on live beef cattle.
- Feeding to counter drought.
- Setting up your breeding objectives for resilience.
- Hormoonvrye IVF vir groter veerkragtigheid.
- Improving a female herd’s fertility using DTC EBVs.
- Bestuur vir ’n goeie kalweroes.
- Genomic selection: Fulfilling its promise where applied effectively.
- Excellence awarded at 2024 Stockman School.
- Much more Limousin: The breed in brief.
- Genetics in the Paddock: Latest advancements in livestock genetics.
- News from the LRF.
- Braunvieh Namibia values the benefits of genotyping.
- Improved DNA testing.
- The maternal female: What makes a good cow?