This week Plaas TV brought viewers more interesting content, and this is #flashbackfriday. Below is a recap of the week’s episodes:
One of the aims of the Red Meat Industry Strategy 2030 is to grow exports. South Africa’s abattoirs are one of the make-or-break links in the value chain for this plan to succeed. Dr Gerhard Neethling gives us some insight on this.
Baalnette word vir kuilvoer, gras, en dies meer gebruik, maar wat is die voordeel hiervan? Johan Bender van TWK Agri beantwoord hierdie vraag op Plaas TV. TWK is ‘n trotste borg van die 2023 Santam Landbou Nasionale Kuilvoerkompetisie.
‘n Bosbou-, bees- en saaiboer van Lüneburg, Noord KwaZulu-Natal, Heiko Gevers, is vanjaar aangewys as Kwanalu se Jongboer van die Jaar. Rekordhouding en presisieboerdery is sy passie en ons hoor hoe dié 28-jarige dit in sy boerdery gebruik.
Labworld, a division of Philafrica Foods, has been contracted since 2019 to conduct sample testing for the Santam Agriculture National Silage Competition. They are also a proud sponsor of this competition. Dr Elrisa Taljaard sheds some light on the findings of this year’s sampling.
The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) will once again present its National Beef Performers Awards in 2023. This is the 45th instalment of the awards, the aim of which is to showcase the best of the best in seven categories, all relating to beef cattle performance and beef cattle producers. Dr Ben Greyling gives an overview of this year’s awards.
Farm TV is proudly brought to you by Elanco South Africa and Jonsson Workwear.
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Plaas TV/Farm TV was launched in June 2020 and provides top quality and factually correct agricultural news and content. Click on the link above to view all Plaas TV’s content of the past two years. From agricultural shows to the history of Pinotage wine, Plaas TV covers all corners of the agricultural sector.