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HomePodcastsRSG LandbouRSG Landbou: 12 September 2023 - geborg deur AECI Plant Health

RSG Landbou: 12 September 2023 – geborg deur AECI Plant Health

Wat is volhoubare gewasproduksie en watter rol speel navorsing en produkontwikkeling? Lydia Lephoto van AECI Plant Health beantwoord hierdie vrae in Dinsdag se aflewering van die program.

Wanneer daar oor risiko’s in landbou gesels word, is daar verskeie. Volgens Christo van der Rheede van Agri SA, een van die sprekers by die Agri Noord-Kaap-kongres, speel georganiseerde landbou hier ‘n rol en kan produsente nie alle risiko’s aanspreek nie. RSG Landbou-luisteraars kan uitvind wat hy hieroor te sê gehad het.

Heinrich Victor bring ons ook op hoogte van pryse wat by die laaste wolveiling behaal is.

Ons sluit die program af met veilingsnuus. Gert Nel van Germar Bonsmaras vertel vir RSG Landbou-luisteraars waarna kopers kan uitsien by hulle 21ste produksieveiling wat binnekort plaasvind.

Luister nou na hierdie lekker onderhoude op RSG Landbou.

#RSGLandbou word dié week aan jou gebring deur AECI Plant Health.

Besoek gerus hulle webwerf hier.

Who is AECI Plant Health?

AECI Plant Health is a South African company within the AECI Group of Companies serving the agricultural sector with pride. AECI Plant Health has been an ally to farmers in Africa for many years, and with the move towards sustainable agriculture, AECI Plant Health with its NuWay® programme, and its extensive range of products and services, aims to work with farmers to preserve our natural resources, restore soil biology and address the need for producing nutritious food. Agriculture worldwide is under pressure to reduce pesticide and fertilizer usage whilst increasing crop yields to feed a growing world population. There is now a move away from the total reliance on traditional chemicals and synthetic fertilizers towards a more responsible and sustainable approach of cultivating crops that protects the environment and its precious resources. Our approach is to work hand in hand with the farmer to systematically address each point of influence in the growing of crops in a sustainable and responsible manner. Many of the tools and techniques simply unlock nature’s potential and the genetic potential of the crop.

RSG Landbou is ’n Afrikaanse algemene landbouprogram wat daagliks van 5:25 tot 5:55, Maandae tot Donderdae, op RSG uitgesaai word en daagliks tussen 40 000 en 80 000 luisteraars bereik. Die program bevat tegniese inhoud oor alle landbouvertakkings en landboumarkte, en word deur Lise Roberts aangebied.

Neem deel aan gesprekke oor die onderskeie insette op sosiale media met @DieLandbougesprek en #RSGLandbou. Vir meer inligting stuur ‘n e-pos aan

Luister hier na vorige uitsendings.

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