This week Plaas TV brought viewers more interesting content, and this is #flashbackfriday. Below is a recap of the week’s episodes:
- Plaas Media recently attended the first annual Women in Agribusiness summit at Sernick Farm outside Edenville in the Free State. The summit is the brainchild of the Tracy M Foundation, in conjunction with the Sernick Group and its women empowerment leg, with the aim to empower women in the industry with information provided by numerous guest speakers.
- Nederburg Baronne vier sy vyftigste bestaansjaar en het ‘n baie ryk geskiedenis. Emile Joubert van Media Vision Communications deel sy kennis oor waar dit alles begin het.
- Dié tyd van die jaar vereer die Suid-Afrikaanse Vleisbedryfsmaatskappy (SAMIC) produsente vir die gehalte van hul karkasse wat ingeskryf word vir dié maatskappy se jaarlikse kompetisie. Plaas TV het ook dié geleentheid bygewoon en met rolspelers in die bedryf gesels.
- Tussen 8 en 9 September is dit weer tyd vir Agbiz Grain se graan- en oliesaadsimposium. Een van die paneelbesprekings gaan spesifiek handel oor die versekerbaarheid van die silobedryf. Kobus Truter sal dié bespreking lei en hy gesels nou op Plaas TV hieroor.
- The Agbiz Grain symposium will take place over four days from 5 to 8 September 2023. The format will be a panel discussion. One of the topics that will be under discussion is future challenges and solutions. Chris Sturgess gives insight on this.
- It is #ResearchFriday which means it is time to once again become acquainted with the research projects conducted by the team at the Agricultural Research Council. This week we visit the ARC Animal Production campus that is based in Irene.
- Jerry Maritz, die voorsitter van Agbiz Grain, sluit nou by Plaas TV aan om te gesels oor Agbiz Grain se graan en oliesaadsimposium, wat tussen 5 en 8 September plaasvind. Hy gaan onder andere ook uitbrei oor graanberging en -hantering.
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Plaas TV/Farm TV was launched in June 2020 and provides top quality and factually correct agricultural news and content. Click on the link above to view all Plaas TV’s content of the past two years. From agricultural shows to the history of Pinotage wine, Plaas TV covers all corners of the agricultural sector.