This week Plaas TV brought viewers more interesting content, and this is #flashbackfriday. Below is a recap of the week’s episodes:
- The Agricultural research council is a premier science institution that conducts fundamental research to generate new knowledge. Plaas TV will focus on exciting research projects within the ARC. Today we will showcase the work that are being done by the ARC Plant Health & Protection campus in Roodeplaat.
- Despite misinformation to the contrary, using wood from sustainably managed forests to make things like paper can help the environment. The Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) argues that using harvested wood products could be the weapon in our fight against the climate crisis. Samantha Choles gives insight on this.
- Mense se gesondheid is afhanklik van die gesondheid van ons diere en omgewing – dit is die hartklop van die wêreldwye One Health-konsep. Plaas TV het onlangs ’n reeks oor die beginsels van hierdie konsep afgeskop. Kyk nou die derde aflewering saam met dr Chris van Dijk.
Lees meer van verlede week se insetsels hier.
- Die lang wag is verby – die bekroonde Suid-Afrikaanse Kaasfees is terug op Stellenbosch met nuwe datums én nuwe eienaars. Jacques Fourie van Simonsvlei gesels op Plaas TV hieroor.
Lees meer oor middel Mei se insetsels hier.
- Met 81 945 besoekers vanjaar was Nampo weer eens ‘n toonbeeld van innovering deur die graanwaardeketting, maar ook die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor as geheel. Plaas TV was ook hier om met verskeie rolspelers, en sommer ook ‘n paar besoekers oor Nampo en landbou te gesels. Kyk dié insetsel vir hoogtepunte.
Farm TV is proudly brought to you by Elanco South Africa and Jonsson Workwear.
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Plaas TV/Farm TV was launched in June 2020 and provides top quality and factually correct agricultural news and content. Click on the link above to view all Plaas TV’s content of the past two years. From agricultural shows to the history of Pinotage wine, Plaas TV covers all corners of the agricultural sector.