This week Plaas TV brought viewers more interesting content, and this is #flashbackfriday. Below is a recap of the week’s episodes:
- Enjoy access to the latest agricultural #MarketTrends.
- Veilings is die brood en botter van elke lewendehawe-eienaar – of dit nou ’n streeksveiling en/of nasionale veiling is. Hier is die veilings wat die volgende paar weke plaasvind.
Lees meer oor laas week se Plaas TV-insetsels hier.
- Jimie Malan, vierde generasie van die bekende Malanseuns, is vanjaar aangewys as Agri Gauteng se Jongboer van die Jaar. Lise Roberts gesels met hom oor hierdie prestasie.
- Lede van die graanwaardeketting en veral dié wat betrokke is by kanolaproduksie, het die afgelope internasionale kanolakongres in Australië bygewoon. Pieter Malan van Sentraal-Suid Koöperasie, of SSK, het ook dié besoek meegemaak en deel sy ervaring met Lise Roberts.
- Get ready to explore the world of precision and reliability with Kubota spare parts! Whether you’re a seasoned producer, a construction professional, or a DIY enthusiast, our high-quality Kubota spare parts ensure that your machinery operates at its best. From tractors to excavators, we’ve got you covered with genuine, durable components that guarantee peak performance. Discover the power of genuine Kubota parts and elevate your equipment to new heights. Join us on an exciting journey through innovation and excellence – Kubota, your trusted partner for all your spare part needs.
- This week’s wrap-up of the latest agricultural news in South Africa and beyond.
- South Africa hosts first farm animal welfare workshop.
- Wes-Kaapse 2023 Landbouwerker aangewys.
- Wagyu-hoof kondig uittrede aan.
- Agreement bolsters Western Cape climate change resilience.
- Foot-and-mouth disease cases in North West investigated.
- South Africa exports first bulk soya bean cargo to China.
- Wolmark behou afwaartse neiging.
- Powdery scab is currently threatening the survival of South African potato tuber producers, as well as the global potato industry. Rudolph Strydom, a plant pathologist at the University of Pretoria, joins us now to tell us more about this potato tuber disease.
Farm TV is proudly brought to you by Elanco South Africa and Jonsson Workwear.
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Plaas TV/Farm TV was launched in June 2020 and provides top quality and factually correct agricultural news and content. Click on the link above to view all Plaas TV’s content of the past two years. From agricultural shows to the history of Pinotage wine, Plaas TV covers all corners of the agricultural sector.